Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Message to a Car Criminal

Dear Scoundrel-scumbag-scuzzball-buttsniffer-lowlife-gimp-no hoper,

Yesterday in Car Park 4 Of the Northwick Park Hospital as you shattered my passenger window and stole my "Tom-Tom" Sat Nav and my two favorite hill walking fleeces you made a big mistake!

Yesterday whilst my wife was in theatre having surgery you broke into my car on a drug fueled thieving rampage you really made a big mistake!

Yesterday as you awoke from your white-lightening cider and chemical induced slumber in your flea ridden, rat infested, needle littered shit hole of a squat you made a big mistake!

As you tucked your microscopic "dinkle" into your skiddy pants and pulled on your soiled tracksuit bottoms, nike tee shirt, hoody, fake "bling" and baseball cap proclaiming "I issa CHAV" you made a big mistake!

The mistake you made was........simple and a mistake that befits a criminal minimind such as you!

The mistake was not winding me up to such a level that I go insane and come after you. Now that would be fun!!!!!

I would dearly love to hunt you down, kidnap you, flay off all of your skin, roll you in salt, remove your tongue and eyelids, hamstring you and leave you hogtied on the surf line of a remote Scottish Island as Crab bait!!!

The mistake you made was that there was a £1500 laptop in the back of my car under my wifes wheel chair!!!! and you missed it YOU ARSEWIPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ahh..................... feel better for that!

Yesterday was not a good day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Sorry to hear about the car getting broken into. Surely it must be time for your luck to change!

I hope Kaylas operation went well.

Thinking of you all as always

9:52 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Stu, we all love you - what surgery has Kayla had now? Thinking of you both love Nic and Steve.

11:30 am  

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