It's getting Harder by the DAY! (As the Bishop said to the Mother Superior!)
Blimey, My Blog! I have been not paying it enough attention!
I Have not been on here since early July! Wowzer!
Not my fault though,
Kayla is now home!
the kids are also home
and I have gone back to work!
There are just not enough hours in the day. I am up at 6:45am and get to bed about midnight. Not because I am an early riser, night owl or have lots of jobs to do........................... no it's because I am kicked out of bed in order for Kayla's visitors (Cara, MJ or Shabz) to sit in bed with her and watch morning/daytime/evening/late night TV!!!!!!
I do have millions of jobs to do though but with the help of that human cleaning machine "Wonder-Cara" we normally manage to get everything done and only get about a billion criticisms and complaints from "El Presidente"
Kayla (VIVA El Presidente!!!!!!!!!!) Is still fighting against Cancer and the new and just as evil intestinal failure so her life revolves around TPN feed bags, pain killers, Nurses, Shipwrecked, nausea, Big Bro, Pain, Love Island, hospital trips and acute fatigue and some bilge about some bird from theSound of Music!!!
She is back in St Marks next Sunday for what will hopefully be the end of the Intestinal Failure episode of her life. This earlier this week we had a consultation with the surgeon let's say it was scary to say the least. There are so many possibilities of what the final outcome will be and even more hazards to get around. It seems that there is a high percentage chance of some form of nasty complication and only a moderate chance of success!
This will be a very difficult and trying time for my beloved little "Pit Viper". No wonder she is on edge right now and in the words of the "Crocodile Hunter" a little cranky!!!!!!!!! Bless her she needs a break (and I don't mean her neck!).
COME ON ST MARKS ......................get her eating again!!!!!!!!!
Gotta go a house doesn't clean itself even though boy-children believe this!
Will write again soon
Hi you two, lovely to see you last month. Back from Spain and hoping all has gone well with the lastest op. You know we are thinking of you. Let us know how you are by text if necessary. Nic Steve and Boys. x x
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