Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Fox's Tale.....................

Just a quick update on Kayla's general state of health after the Wednesday morning vomit-a-thon!

There is some good news.......I called out the IR Nurses and they called our GP. They got together in a little huddle and our GP and the fantastic "Iain Rennie Hospice at Home Nurses" came up with a plan that was soooo cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a Fox!

This idea is even more cunning than the Fox known as Dr Cunning McCunning "Professor of Cunning" at the University of Cunning, Oxford!

Almost as cunning as James Bond's associate "Agent C" head of "Cunning Inventions" at MI5's Department of Cunning. ("C" took over when "M" retired!)

These clever ladies have connected a little automatic pump to Kayla and this gives her pain relief and anti sickness on a measured dose (tailored to her breakthrough pain) for 24 hours at a time! So no need for pills or Oramorph to be swallowed anymore, this should kill the nausea and get the old hunger back.

She had been on it for just 4 hours when she sat up in bed and ordered me to go to TESCO's and buy her some Salmon because she was starving! Woo!-Hoo! that's my girl and she ate most of it.

Wow! hungry and bossy again! Marvelous! I am hoping she will be springing out of bed tomorrow demanding a great big fat greasy fry up! Yum-Yum! ............ am I jumping the gun a little?......Doh!

Maybe the "Pain-Oramorph-Nausea-Constipation-Pain-Oramorph....Etc....Etc" circle of Hell has finally been broken.

With a bit of luck and continuing 24/7 care from MJ and myself, Kayla will now be able to concentrate 100% on building up her strength in readiness for the surgery on the 22nd.

Let's hope so......................


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