Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Late Post from Sunday

Hi all,

Its early morning and just back from the RM. Kayla had a massive bleed today and we almost lost her!!!!! her BP was as down as it can be before organs start to fail. In the end she had over 12 units of blood an 3 litres of various fluids. It transpires that an artery in her pelvis just ruptured for the hell of it! I was at waitrose getting her some posh nosh as she was hungry and it blew.

I walked back onto an empty ward, all I could hear was the crash alarm and a mechanical electronic voice saying that the cardiac arrest alarm had been triggered. I thought some poor blighter was in trouble and hoped that they would be ok. As I opened the door to K's room all I could see was the crash team all over K. She was a bluey/grey and looked very tiny. I thought she had gone. A sister noticed me and bundled me out of the room. 20000000000000000000000000000000000000 years seemed to pass with me and the sister exchanging pleasentaries until she got a call that K had been stabilised.

She was bundled down to CCU where she proceeded to have another bleed. I followed like a wrung out cloth. Mr B arrived as she was stabilised once again. Surgery was not an option and a less invasive but tricky route was planned. They would attempt to embolise the ruptured artery. She was blue lighted to the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and a three hour battle ensued. By 2 am she was back in pain and tired and by 3:30 I am writing this.

SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today was the worst day of my life.

Take care

Stu Crying or Very sad


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