Kayla's Ups and Downs
Since easter things have been a little bit up and a little bit down.
Kayla is recovering from the surgical aspect of her treatment but her digestive system (intestines) have been so insulted by the Radio-therapy and then the serious handling they had during 15 hours of surgery that they have gone on strike! Yes Kayla's "guts" are officially on strike!
The condition we believe is known as "intestinal failure" we do not know the extent yet or how long it will last. Kayla can eat but the food will sit in her stomach and lower intestines and will not go "south" and exit in the normal manner.
No, the food will sit for 48-72 hours (at a nice hot temp!) and then go off! Once "off " the body reacts by sending it sending it "north" in a most spectacular vomit!
Therefore at the moment, Kayla is fed intraveinously and will be until the team get to the bottom of this secondary mystery.
It breaks my heart, Kayla has had sooooooo much to deal with and yet more hurdles keep springing up before her. As normal she remains solid but has her moments of acute despair.
One thing to come out of this, is, my respect and admiration for my wife grows on an hourly basis. She is a trooper, a fighter and inspires me beyond anything.
BOY! OH! BOY!............. DO I LOVE THIS LADY!!!!!!