Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Kayla's Ups and Downs

Since easter things have been a little bit up and a little bit down.

Kayla is recovering from the surgical aspect of her treatment but her digestive system (intestines) have been so insulted by the Radio-therapy and then the serious handling they had during 15 hours of surgery that they have gone on strike! Yes Kayla's "guts" are officially on strike!

The condition we believe is known as "intestinal failure" we do not know the extent yet or how long it will last. Kayla can eat but the food will sit in her stomach and lower intestines and will not go "south" and exit in the normal manner.

No, the food will sit for 48-72 hours (at a nice hot temp!) and then go off! Once "off " the body reacts by sending it sending it "north" in a most spectacular vomit!

Therefore at the moment, Kayla is fed intraveinously and will be until the team get to the bottom of this secondary mystery.

It breaks my heart, Kayla has had sooooooo much to deal with and yet more hurdles keep springing up before her. As normal she remains solid but has her moments of acute despair.

One thing to come out of this, is, my respect and admiration for my wife grows on an hourly basis. She is a trooper, a fighter and inspires me beyond anything.

BOY! OH! BOY!............. DO I LOVE THIS LADY!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back to the Grind

Well, after a hectic weekend Kayla in once more back at the "Royal M".

There are just a few minor problems that still must be ironed out. One being her lack of Potassium and two, her inabbility to eat food! Yep, she can't eat because her digestive system still refuses to work!!!!! Investigations should start this week. Meanwhile Kayla weighs in at a mighty 7 stone 10, that is the equivalent of half of Chris's thigh!

Easter was fun........... if a little loud for us both.

You see we are used to the tranquil environment of Kayla's hospital room. It's just the two of us...........The gentle click and swish of the infusion pump........the gentle tippy-tapping of my fingers on the keyboard of my laptop and and the grunting and slobbering noises as Kayla sleeps. Her room is a little oasis of calm.

Our house over the weekend was a very different matter....oh yes a completley different kettle of monkey-fish! Imagine the results of the following people cramed into a small living space>>>> Kayla and me, our three kids, her sister, brother-in-law, neice, dog, mother and step-dad. Not to mention appearences by the army of 9 yearold chums of Zak. Yes mayhem was an understatement. But madness is fun if you only have to put up with it for a short duration.

I had to bring Kayla back to London for a few hours as stated earlier but once she was topped up with potassium she was soon perky again.

Shabba, Don, Megs and Doggy-face (Zoe the dog) brought us back to London last night. That was an intresting journey all of us crammed into a 4 seater Saab convertable!

Kayla flopped into her hospital bed exhausted but happy. She had seem the "bairns", her mum and Sis. She also got pushed around a Garden Center in true Andy from "Little Britain" stylie pointing at all the shrubs and boarder plants saying "I want that one!"

She was asleep in seconds we were ready for another episode of the "RM" grind.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Kayla the Boomerang!

Good Friday was very good for Kayla. Yes after 61 continuous days in hospital she was let out "on parole" for Easter. Good Friday evening was not that good though. Kayla had been quite fatigued and "wobbly" as she put it all day. Just before 9pm we had a call from the Marsden. It was one of the "Team". He informed us that Kayla's bloods were back from the lab and her potassium was quite low.

It added up (2+2=4ish ) lesson begins.......... Potassium (K+) is the major positive ion within cells and is particularly important for maintaining the electric charge on the cell membrane. This charge allows nerves and muscles to communicate and is necessary for transporting nutrients into cells and waste products out of the cell. The concentration of potassium inside cells is about 30 times that in the blood and other fluids outside of cells.............blaa.....blaa......blaa.......... science lesson ends

Basically potassium is used by every cell of the body and plays a key role in muscle function.

What is the most important muscle in the human body (Steve Griffiths do NOT answer this question!!!!!!) Yes well spotted everyone else but Stevie G...........the heart! Kayla was slightly lower than normal so her muscles were giving her that "wobbly" feeling.

So here we are Easter Saturday back at the Marsden. Kayla the boomerang is back "in da house" where she is being pumped full of potassium............2 litres!!!!!!!

Once this has finished she will have a further blood test and then we can go home again.

Fingers crossed that the "Team" won't phone again and request an audience with Kayla's PICC line and some bags of fluid!!!!!!

I wonder if chocolate is rich in potassium? I wonder if Cadbury's do a Galaxy-Potassium Easter Egg? Dunno........... I think therefore I shall go shopping!
