Friday, September 22, 2006

Back in Hospital!

I'm afraid Kayla is back in hospital. She has lost nearly 10% of her body weight and is very dehydrated.

The dehydration must have been caused by kayla's course of antibiotics that made her very queezy which killed her appetite and in addition to this she forgot about changing her HRT patch which made her sweat for England.

As this combined problem progressed she became bed ridden, fatigued and confused (but forbid me to phone the hospital!)

By Thursday morning enough was enough and she was sooooooo weak that she didn't put up too much of a fight to stop me phoning.

She was re-admitted and put on a drip once a host of tests had been undertaken. Her bloods are good, so is her heart and all the other bits they tested seemed OK. Swabs and cultures will take a few days................ but I feel she is in the best place, and the staff at St Marks are fantastic!

The medical team are going to get her rehydrated and then fathom out why the weight loss.

I may not have the brains of Einstien (Just the dashing good looks) But I feel I Know the mystery behind her post TPN weight shedding extraviganza.....................It's simple Kayla eats a very healthy almost fat free diet made up of mainly fruit, salad and veg. She hates all the fatty stuff that she has been told to eat. Problem is, that with 66% less intestine and so 66% less absorption than the average human being she is gonna have to eat 66% more lard, fat and chocky just to break even! See I worked it out all by my self.....Not rocket science more like surface area physics crossed with a bit of plumming!

I am sure that with time she will come around to the fact that she is facing another "life changer" yep her darling diet will have to change forever. It is soooooooo ironic that most peeps get told to "cut out the fats and calories" Kayla is gettin told to "stick em in!"

You wanna see her face when forced to drink full fat milk!!! talk about Nikki from Big Brother!!!!!!! " I want bottled water......bottled water.....not greasy MILK!

Bless her!

She had had one bag of fluid and was sleeping peacefully as I left last night......... I hope to see her much perkier today after a night on the saline!

Take Care


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Well, it's now 11:57 and Kayla is in bed snoozing. She has been home almost 48 hours and all seems well. She has been eating.............mainly snacking here and there. Some food doesn't agree and some does. Yesterday she had a teeny fry up....................a peeled peach............some crisps...................some rice............................and some icecream. Not bad but we think she may have slightly overdone things as she was a little sick in the evening.

Problem with the being sick was she had just taken her nightly medication.

So how do you work out what tablets are still in your tummy and what tablets are in the bowl?????????????

any ideas????????????????????????? test how much your partner loves you!!!!!!!

"Stu" she shouted, "I have a job for you..........and bring a seive!!!"

We worked out (well I fished out!) what we thought were tablets and she was then able to retake them (NO! not the ones from the ones from the packet!) and this time keep them down. far so good! Pain has been controlled, wound is looking good and there have been no "Wee accidents" as the Scottish would say.

So....................onwards and upwards..........................................



Friday, September 08, 2006


I got a bit of a shock today as I arrived to visit Kayla. I walked into the ward and there before me sat a glam looking Kayla. Out of bed, in a chair reading, hair washed, dressed, shoes on, packed........AND DISHCHARGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not just for the weekend but permanently!!!!

She has made such a recovery and impression on both the surgical and medical teams that they feel it is time for her to go home!

Earlier in the week they reduced and then stopped her parental nutrition (liquid feed delivered to the bloodstream) because she was eating and her 10 foot mini-intestine seemed to be absorbing nutrients better than bunty kitchen roll absorbs transvestite spillages!

The surgical team (aka Girl Power) were amazed at Kayla's resilliance and healing powers. Pre-operative the chances of a fix were very slim. Post-operative the surgeon said that it is nigh on a miracle! The outcome and repair to her intestines is far far better than anyone envisaged. Her Gyn-Onc from the Marsden was also at her surgery and gave her a good check over including numerous biopsies - all of which have since come back negative!!!

Those of you who know my little "stick insect" will understand that this must be her time for some good luck after what seemed like never ending bad luck!

She is asleep in bed next to me as I type this, snoring, muttering and dribbling (not exactly romantic but fantastic to have her back!) Gonna try her with a nice fry up tomorrow as she needs to get her strength up ready for the holiday her mum is gonna arrange for her.

This is a good point to thank everyone for your support, kind words and song lyrics! .........

"Biggi up da respect !" whatever! bling bling in'it!
Friends, Family, Readers.............THANKS XXXXXXXXX

A special big thanks to "Ma" and "Pa" in Law. MJ and DD without the massive help I have had from you guys I don't think that I would have made it through this and also the kids would have starved to death!!!!!! Thanx guys........................let's now focus towards onwards and upwards!!!!

Well that's all from I sit feeling very happy for Kayla but also a little guilty for our good fortune during such a horrible week on jo's ( Our thoughts, prayers and empathy go out to all of those having a bad time of it right now.....stay strong!!!!!!!

Take care everyone


A battle won but the war still rages!!!!!!!!!!!!!