Friday, April 20, 2007

She's OK

Hi all

Sorry did not post earlier but as soon as i got the news that she was fine and it was a success I just fell asleep. A mixture of releif and the fact that I have been running on empty for the last few weeks!

Anyway enough of me this is about Kayla the cat and her 9 lives! Her bleed was caused by an anurism on the artery that supplies the pelvic contents. It is a bloody big fat one as it is the one that must support a baby!!!! So the anurism is kind of a weakeding in the wall that forms a balloon like thaaaaang and then in K's case popped!!!! With very dire consequences, I did not know how touch and go it had been. K says she felt herself fading and disappearing into the bed on a couple of times. I asked her if she was scared or panicy she just said a calm flowed over her and she just drifted. The CCU staff were amazed by her tenacity and spirit. It was just not her time to go................she fights on

The tidied up a few other minor arteries and re-embolised the big one the packing was then removed and all went well Mr B is very pleased with the overall result. She is now back on the ward


If she ever does this to me again I will stop her pocket money for a month and ground her for a year!!!!!!!

Take care all


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Latest News

Hi all,

Kayla has been kept comfy-ish in the CCU since the little "flap" on Sunday.

Today she is going back to the C&W to have her packing removed. They are going to do it there as a risk limitation move. She is still bleeding through the packing and they fear that she may require re-embolisation.

Kayla is horrified and terrified at the prospect as she told me that the embolisation procedure is the most painfull thing that she has ever had to endure. I am terrified as her anxiety is pushing her heart rate to dangerous levels and she has recently been diagnosed with left ventricle miopothy!! I hope she opts for a general as opposed to a local then she will just a blank page in her memory.

Today will be the most critical day to date for Kayla, even more so than the excenteration as she is now very feeble.

I have everything crossed and will keep you posted when I can

Late Post from Sunday

Hi all,

Its early morning and just back from the RM. Kayla had a massive bleed today and we almost lost her!!!!! her BP was as down as it can be before organs start to fail. In the end she had over 12 units of blood an 3 litres of various fluids. It transpires that an artery in her pelvis just ruptured for the hell of it! I was at waitrose getting her some posh nosh as she was hungry and it blew.

I walked back onto an empty ward, all I could hear was the crash alarm and a mechanical electronic voice saying that the cardiac arrest alarm had been triggered. I thought some poor blighter was in trouble and hoped that they would be ok. As I opened the door to K's room all I could see was the crash team all over K. She was a bluey/grey and looked very tiny. I thought she had gone. A sister noticed me and bundled me out of the room. 20000000000000000000000000000000000000 years seemed to pass with me and the sister exchanging pleasentaries until she got a call that K had been stabilised.

She was bundled down to CCU where she proceeded to have another bleed. I followed like a wrung out cloth. Mr B arrived as she was stabilised once again. Surgery was not an option and a less invasive but tricky route was planned. They would attempt to embolise the ruptured artery. She was blue lighted to the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and a three hour battle ensued. By 2 am she was back in pain and tired and by 3:30 I am writing this.

SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today was the worst day of my life.

Take care

Stu Crying or Very sad

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Back on the Ward

Kayla left CCU yesterday and is back in room 20 of the Wiltshaw Ward at the Royal Marsden. A small step for mankind but a huge one for Kayla....even if she can't walk right now!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Hi all I am again taking advantage of some Londoner's free Wi-Fi access.

(Thanks Mr or Mrs security clueless!!!!!! :shock: )

Kayla is much better, two days ago she initially sat out in a chair!!!!! What a job that was.....hoist, nurses, physioterrorists the works!!!!!!!

Today she went one step further she was hoisted into a wheelchair by just myself and a nurse and then Kayla, the nurse and I went for a push to the conservatory!!!! For an hour!!!! She is now back in bed sleeping as that is the equivalent of 3 hours down the gym!

She must be getting better as she had a little "tiff-ette" with a nurse who was slightly rough with her and told her team that if she doesn't get fed some real food soon there will be trouble!!!!!!!!

Thats Kayla the ginger-freckle gene is kicking back in!

Apart from that the drains are out so are the staples, she is off oxygen and wants to get back up to the Gynae ward as in her words CCU is like "Bloody Vegas" too bright, too noisy and tooooooooooooo busy!

Have a great Easter..........................

Stu...............News at 3.......................London

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Latest News!!!!!!

Hi all..................

For once I must keep this breif as I have piggybacked onto an unsecured wireless access point here in London!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shocked

Kayla is a whole lot better........................ but the medical eye has moved away from Kayla's lungs to her heart! The reason it seems why she is soooooooooooo short of breath and floppy is that her heart has been weakened in some way!!!!!! Maybe the 2 years of illness and tachycardia or one doctor even said that Chemo can damage your heart???????????

Anyway her team of 3 consultants will now be expanded to 4 we have a cardio-vascular bod about to stick his two-penneth in!

Kayla is not yet aware of this latest twist in her never ending saga, bless her. I feel a little overwhelmed by the new pressure.



Anyone who has ever been to London will realise that Zebra crossings are not actually safe!!! Well after I caused a car to do an emergency stop the driver gave me some verbal!!!!! Bad move!!! (on him in the highest!) even though I am 6"1 , an ex-rugby player and not afraid of confrontation I used my skill as a marksman to dispatch this selfish and dangerous road abuser. From about 10 foot I launched a chocolate coated hobnob flapjack.....................................................................BOSH! direct hit in the forehead! He ducked back in his BMW and sped off I then chased his car down the Fulham Road!!!!!!!!! the red mist had me. He was lucky light traffic and a green light saved him from a brutal scrotectomy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Kayla back in the CCU

Kayla went up to a normal ward on Thursday.................. we hoped the recovery could now begin..............................however,

Had a call at 7am this morning. Kayla had developed breathing difficulties and has had to be emergency admitted back into the CCU!!!!

Her heart rate was over 140 beats per minute she had a high BP , her O2 saturation was low and she was feverish. She was gasping for breath and very distressed.

Once on the CCU she was stabilised, bloods taken and x-rayed. She had a partially collapsed lung and her white cells showed infection. she had a CPAP fitted (like a space helmet that gives you O2 at a higher pressure than our atmosphere) it looked sooooo strange!!!!! quite freaked me out Kayla looked tiny, paniced and grey inside it!

She then had a central line fitted without sedation and 3 types of antibiotics were started. Throughout the day she improved and stability was achieved to some extent but she is to unwell for a scan at this time

I will keep you all informed...........................