Friday, June 23, 2006

Read All About IT..........

Hello all,

Good evening and here is the News @ 10 ................................

Boing!!!!! Kayla still in Hospital!

Boing!!!! Kayla's PICC line fails!

Boing!!!! Kayla Has Central Line fitted.

Boing!!!! TPN feeding now more effective including lipids!

Boing!!!! Plan formulated to address intestinal failure

Boing!!!! Kayla scheduled for more surgery next month or August.

Boing!!!! Budget approved that will allow Kayla to "home feed" until surgery!

Boing!!!! Kayla's pain control at an all time is pain!!!!!!!

Boing!!!! Kayla undertaking excersise in order to prepare for surgery!

Boing!!!! Stu's Garden wins the 2006 Hampshire "Your Garden Looks Like Jurassic Park" Competition for the second year running!

Good evening, today in North London Kayla's life remains stuck in Saint Marks Hospital. We have had many room moves, cock-ups, car crime, monotomy, insainia, arguments, laughs, tears and tantrums. However, the normal daily grind has given way to a sort of flimsy plan.

The surgical team have visited and have decided that Kayla is a viable prospect for surgery. They hope to bypass the problem area but have stated that anything could happen once they get in there. Best case is the problem is fixed, middle case is she loses the colostomy and gains a Illiostomy, worst case is they retreat and do nothing due to the poor state of her insides.

Kayla just needs a resolution to her present state of "hospitalisation with no direction".

On the surface she is brave, solid, gallant, focused and willing for surgery. In fact Kayla would consider and try most anything that would fix the current problem and restore her to some form of a normal quality of life.

Stevie G

NO!...........drop that thought out of your mind!.....................your plan is................

A. Not a medical proceedure and;

B. Would only put a smile on your face!!!!!!!!!!!!! and;

C. Ileagal in most god fearing countries!

Down boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Under the surface Kayla is a jibbering wreck, very low, terrified, and doubting if anything will ever sort this nightmare out!

I struggle most days to motivate her and get a posative day done and dusted. She does however, come home for one day most weekends! However she does pay the price for missing one nights feed by suffering weakness, dizziness and acute nausia.

Since the anouncement of the plan she has started to exercise and has developed a more upbeat attitude to fittness and beating the latest snags. Kayla's sunshine sometimes gets obscurred by clouds (the ongoing cancer situation and acute intestinal failure!!!!) but you can always guarantee that within a day the skies will clear and her sunshine will shine on through.

I am glad that her spirit shine on through as she is my guiding light and keeps me from crashing and burning.

So in the short term we are aiming for home. Nurses will come in and set up the TPN on a daily basis. kayla will continue to increase her fittness and we will spend every waking minute with our children who we have not really seen since Feb!

At this time we are probably lower than at any time throughout this journey but that is due to fatigue and just a lack of momentum................we are down but not out...........We'll be back!

Watch This Space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stu & Kayla XXXXXX


Steve and Nikki thanks for you support. We hav'nt chatted in ages. I mean to phone you but I don't get home most night until 10pm and then think it's too late. We must arrange to meet once this bilge is over....XXXXXX

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Message to a Car Criminal

Dear Scoundrel-scumbag-scuzzball-buttsniffer-lowlife-gimp-no hoper,

Yesterday in Car Park 4 Of the Northwick Park Hospital as you shattered my passenger window and stole my "Tom-Tom" Sat Nav and my two favorite hill walking fleeces you made a big mistake!

Yesterday whilst my wife was in theatre having surgery you broke into my car on a drug fueled thieving rampage you really made a big mistake!

Yesterday as you awoke from your white-lightening cider and chemical induced slumber in your flea ridden, rat infested, needle littered shit hole of a squat you made a big mistake!

As you tucked your microscopic "dinkle" into your skiddy pants and pulled on your soiled tracksuit bottoms, nike tee shirt, hoody, fake "bling" and baseball cap proclaiming "I issa CHAV" you made a big mistake!

The mistake you made was........simple and a mistake that befits a criminal minimind such as you!

The mistake was not winding me up to such a level that I go insane and come after you. Now that would be fun!!!!!

I would dearly love to hunt you down, kidnap you, flay off all of your skin, roll you in salt, remove your tongue and eyelids, hamstring you and leave you hogtied on the surf line of a remote Scottish Island as Crab bait!!!

The mistake you made was that there was a £1500 laptop in the back of my car under my wifes wheel chair!!!! and you missed it YOU ARSEWIPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ahh..................... feel better for that!

Yesterday was not a good day!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Life Where Time Stands Still

Hi all,

Haven't wrote in a while because nothing new has happened. Our life has become circular...... everyday is the same. We have stopped saying.......Monday....Tuesday ...Etc. We now just say day!

I get up, sort myself out. Go to be with Kayla....mmmmm the Tube

In order to fend off Kayla's iminent insanity......we watch day time TV !!!!! (is Jeremy Kyle real??? is TV a good idea????)

I now know all about counseling, property and cookery from TV and nursing procedures, physiology, stoma care, clinical medicine, surgical procedures and NHS latin from living in a hospital for the last4 months!

Something has GOT TO CHANGE!!!!!!!!!

And change it has.....................Kayla has now been moved from a 100000000 bed ward to a specialist 8 bed Unit! She is in the Intestinal Failure Unit. She is no longer a bed number in a hell hole.

She is once again a person with serious complications who needs and is receiving the finest care the NHS has to offer. In addition to care from wonderful staff, she is allowed out when she is able. So every day or two when she has built up her strength we either go to my flat or home! May not sound like much to you lot but it is a massive expedition to Kayla. She is "cream-crackered" by the time we get back to her room each evening.

The latest news on the gut problem is .......Kayla had to drink 30 pints of "speckled hen" ooops sorry fantasising there Kayla had to drink a liter of barium and then have lots of imagery taken as the horrid stuff went from entry to exit! The results of this is there seems only one small problematic area and surgery may be the most expiditious route to obtaining a result!!!!!!

She is awaiting a consultation with the surgical long will that take??????? How long is a piece of string?????????

She needs to get home, I need to get home, we both need to get home, our kids need us home. Poor Zak our youngest he said "mummy has been away during the Easter holidays, then half-term...will she be home for the Summer holidays dad????????" I could not give him an answer or promise him anything. It was heartbreaking.

When will this rough road stop twisting and detouring?????? Your guess is as good as mine.