Just a Quickie - As the Bishop said to the Organist!
Hello again,................. I've been away don't you know? I now live in London!
During this mad, mad, crazy time, I don't have enough time to wash,shave, eat or even check my appearance before I leave for the Hospital.
Its amazing though, the people of London are so kind! People just keep throwing 50 pence pieces at me everytime I sit down for a rest,
They say stuff like "get a bath", "get a haircut"........an nice American couple suggested "Therapy" (Yeuch!!!).......... I hate that Japaneese raw fish!
Well here is a quick run down of the past few days.
Kayla had her surgery on Wednesday morning. I left the Hospital and proceeded to street walk for a large number of hours until the Op was over.
(Made just over 32 pence! lucky there were so many Sailors in town)
Kayla's Op finished a little after 1:20am!!!!!!! on Thursday and I got to see her at 2am! She was sooooo pale that she looked as if she had been in for a "Freckle-Ectomy"!
The surgical team were confident that the Op had gone to plan. However, it was much more extensive than was first envisaged. Thursday afternoon came and I got a call that my "darkling" wife was not only awake but questioning "Where the Bloody Hell was I?" I arrived at the RM heart in mouth, there she was, awake, alert, bossy, thirsty and as fiesty as the freckly vixen that she is!!!!
(and she breeds gingerer and even more freckly and even more feisty vixens! CARA I LOVE YOU)
Well things looked good, except for a little breakthrough pain. Mother and Sister arrived and we were all given our duties by Queen K. We ran about our duties like the serfs that we are tending to her every whim. Friday was much the same. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Later i9n the afternoon "K's" breathing was becoming a little difficulyt and her nasel/gastric tube was accidently pulled out as the full bag fell off the bed onto the floor. The CCU team wanted to reintubate Kayla, Kayla told them to stick the nasal pipe up their rectal passage. Kayla became more anxious and her bodily stats rose, dropped and went dangerous in every way possible. Also her white blood cells were rising very fast and a sepsis worry soon becane evident.
The up-shot was she has now been re-sedated and is back on the ventillator. Asleep she cannot be bossy and her body has time to recover and the nurses can get on with their jobs!
It is now Sunday afternoon and I am off for another 15 hour sleep........my batteries will be fully charged when she is brought back to concieousness so that I can fullfill her every whim!
Final note I need a mans hairdresser (but not at Knightsbridge prices!) just a parting here costs about a "pony" or a "donkey" or a "Lesser spotted mongoose" these bloody Londoners count in gobble-de-gook!
Let me explain my hair style these days. Normally I have the Kojak or that bloke from the king and I? You know Mr Brinner. At present I Have the longest, fluffiest hair that I have had for years! Blackbirds follow me squabling as to whoget to nest in my fluffy but balding pate!
I need to get back to my normal look. I think it's a cool look (but I would as I am the baldly one here) The look I aim for is a cross between the bad guy from the Mummy crossed with the Kurgan from Highlander!! "Hello my pretty pretty!!!!
A kind of rough and ready look with just a hint of evil! (well may two hints of evil!)
(That's why bettie loves me sooooooooo much....I appeal to her darker side!)
But as I said earlier I look like "Freddy the fluffy-fluffy fluffster from flufftownI. It's a wierd look, try crossing Peter Stringfellow Worzel Gummage and a hint of Don King!
Final thought..............My darling wife lies in the CCU at the RM sedated, ventillated and healing after a massive, massive operation.
She is stable and just gathering her strength in order to open her eyes and yell
"Stu get yer ass over here I have a job for you!"
When that moment comes I will be the happiest man in the whole world!
Take care........ and if you have my number don't be shy to call.
Culdnt't evan be arsed toooo spel Chek this!!!!!!